Title Author Date Type
A Feminist Server Manifesto * 2014 Website
A Feminist Server Stack: Co-Designing Feminist Web Servers to Reimagine Internet Futures Nancy Mauro-Flude and Yoko Akama 2022 Article
A Wishlist for Trans*Feminist Servers * 2022 Website
A free, shared visual playground in the browser: Peter Kirn 2019 Article
All Power to All People? Ware, S. M. 2017 Article
Archive/Counter-Archive (A/CA) Marchessault, J. (dir.) 2000 Website
Arte et artefatti Maldonado & Obrist 2009 Book
Authors of the future: Constant 2019 Article
Binary by Design: Ece Canlı 2000 Article
Blackboards were turned into tables… Desvoignes, O. 2015 Thesis
Brilliant green : The Surprising History and Science of Plant Intelligence. Mancuso, S., & Viola, A. 2018 Book
Chamanisme celtique : Ces arbres nos maîtres. Wurtz, G. 2018 Book
Circles of Care: Abel E. and Nelson M. (dir.) 1990 Book
Collective Actions around Electric Dispossession Society.Systems 2023 Article
Colonial Botany : Science, Commerce, and Politics in the Early Modern World. Schiebinger, L., & Swan, C. 2007 Book
Conditions Collectives Constant 2020 Book
Conditions d’Utilisations Typographiques Engageantes Camille Circlude & Enz@ Le Garrec 2024 Article
Daughters of Copper woman. Cameron, A. 2002 Book
De quoi Garamond est-il le nom ? Stéphane Darricau 2022 Book
Der Server ist das Lagerfeuer. Feministische Infrastrukturkritik, Gemeinschaftlichkeit und das kulturelle Paradigma von Zirkulation in Digitaler Infrastruktur Shusha Niederberger 2000 Article
Des mondes-ateliers : les lieux et les milieux de la fabrique du design graphique Yann Aucompte 2021 Article
Design History, Interrupted: Ece Canlı 2016 Article
Disputing Ergonomics, Deconstructing Users. A Queer Perspective on Design. Emeline Brulé, Tiphaine Kazi-Tani 2000 Article
Diversity and Inclusion in Open Source Software (OSS) Projects: Where Do We Stand? Amiangshu Bosu and Kazi Zakia Sultana 2019 Article
Federation is still the Worst of all Worlds Sarah Jamie Lewis 2022 Article
Feminist Server – Visibility and Functionality – Creating Commons Shusha Niederberger 2019 Article
Feminist Theory: Hooks, B. 2014 Book
Feministische Infrastruktur aufbauen: Helplines zum Umgang mit geschlechtsspezifischer Gewalt im Internet spideralex 2023 Article
Finding the mother tree : Discovering the Wisdom of the Forest. Simard, S. 2021 Book
Forms of Ongoingness Interview with Femke Snelting and spideralex 2016 Article
Frankenstein; or, The Modern Prometheus Mary Shelley 1824 Book
Gender Differences and Bias in Open Source: Pull Request Acceptance of Women versus Men Josh Terrell, Andrew Kofink, Justin Middleton, Clarissa Rainear, Emerson Murphy-Hill, Chris Parnin, and Jon Stallings 2000 Article
Genderchangers * 2000 Website
Hacking Technology, Hacking Communities: Codes of Conduct and Community Standards in Open Source Christina Dunbar-Hester 2000 Article
I Read Where I Am: Exploring New Information Cultures Altena, A. Blanken, H., Blauvet, A., Blom, E., Bridle, J., Bruinsma, M., Burdick, A., Campanelli, V., Catalogtree, Cramer, F., Dockray, S., Dresscher, P., Dunny & Raby, Ehman, S., Ferro-Thomsen, M., Gomez, J. 2011 Book
INCITE! #2 Kashmere, B. (ed.) 2010 Magazine
Introduction: Radical Feminist Storytelling and Speculative Fiction: Creating New Worlds by Re-Imagining Hacking Sophie Toupin and spideralex 2018 Article
Is Mastodon Private and Secure? Let’s Take a Look Bill Budington 2022 Article
LEVER BURNS Mika Motskobili 2021 Thesis
Les designerly ways of knowing des graphistes Yann Aucompte 2021 Article
Les grands textes du design Geel, C. (dir.) 2019 Book
Machinery of Dominance: Women, Men, and Technical Know-How Cynthia Cockburn 1985 Book
Me and white supremacy : Combat Racism, Change the World, and Become a Good Ancestor. Saad, L. F. 2020 Book
Messy History vs. Neat History: Martha Scotford 1994 Article
Moral Boundaries: A Political Argument for an Ethic of Care Joan Tronto 1993 Book
No-one Starts From Scratch: Type Design and the Logic of the Fork Eric Schrijver 2013 Article
On Nonscalability: The Living World is not Amenable to Precision-Nested Scales Anna Lowenhaupt Tsing 2012 Article
Outil (ou le designer graphique face à la post-production) Andrew Blauvelt 2017 Article
Parallel Subaltern Feminist Counterpublics in Cyberspace Ann Travers 2003 Article
Participez ! Pour une critique politique du co-design Ludovic Duhem 2021 Article
Pas d'internet féministe sans serveurs féministes Interview with spideralex 2019 Article
Patches don't have Gender: What is not Open in Open Source Software Dawn Nafus 2016 Book
Pink Triangle Erik Jensen 2000 Article
Platform Socialism: How to Reclaim Our Digital Future from Big Tech James Muldoon 2022 Book
Pouvoir de détruire pouvoir de créer : vers une écologie sociale et libertaire. Bookchin 2000 Book
Pyramide, diapason, roue crantée, n°1 Aubart, F., Dupeyrat, J. Mazé, C. Pageard, C. & Sunier, C. 2011 Book
Queer Privacy Essays from the Margins of Society Sarah Jamie Lewis 2017 Article
Race after technology : Abolitionist Tools for the New Jim Code. Benjamin, R. 2019 Book
Safe Spaces, Self-Care and Empowerment – Netzfeminismus im Sicherheitsdispositiv Katrin Kämpf 2014 Article
Scandinavian design: On participation and skill Pelle Ehn 2017 Book
Seven Theses on the Fediverse and the Becoming of FLOSS Aymeric Mansoux and Roel Roscam Abbing 2020 Book
Situated Aesthetics for Relational Critique on Messy Entanglements from Maintenance Art to Feminist Server Art Ines Kleesattel 2021 Book
Software as Dispute Resolution System: Design, Effect and Cultural Monetization Mara Karagianni 2019 Article
Staying with the Trouble: Making Kin in the Chthulucene Donna Haraway 2016 Book
Tech Women Crashing Computers and Preconceptions Aileen Derieg 2007 Article
The Commons: Infrastructures for Troubling Times Lauren Berlant 2016 Article
The Cyborg Manifesto Donna Haraway 1991 Book
The Digital Covenant: Non-Centralized Platform Governance on the Mastodon Social Network Robert Gehl and Diana Zulli 2022 Article
The Impact of Passport Discrimination and Racialised Migration Policies on Artist Mobility Hanna Keil 2023 Article
The Mushroom at the End of the World: On the Possibility of Life in Capitalist Ruins Anna Lowenhaupt Tsing 2015 Book
The Participatory Condition in the Digital Age Darin Barney, Gabriella Coleman, Christine Ross, Jonathan Sterne, Tamar Tembeck, N. Katherine Hayles, Peter Krapp, Rita Raley, Samuel Weber 2016 Book
The Real World of Technology Franklin, U. 1990 Book
The hidden life of trees : What They Feel, How They Communicate Wohlleben, P. 2017 Book
The road to cooptation is paved with good intentions: Volpi, V., Mitchell, V., Cockbill, S., and Kuzmina, K. 2000 Article
Un monde vulnérable Tronto, J. C. 2009 Book
Visual Culture. Open Source Publishing, Git et le design graphique Anthony Masure 2014 Article
Weapons of math destruction : How Big Data Increases Inequality and Threatens Democracy. O’Neil, C. 2016 Book
Web participatif et innovation collective Aguiton, C. & Cardon, D. 2008 Article
What Is Queer Typography? Paul 2021 Article
What is ActivityPub * 2023 Website
What is meditation ? Krishnamurti, J. 2023 Book
broken_house account * 2022 Video
meltionary.com * 2000 Website
systerserver.net * 2000 Website
terminal.leverburns.blue * 2000 Website
tube.systerserver.net * 2000 Website
Écologica Gorz, A. 2008 Book