Publish the 03 September 2024

article : Polydactyly and other disorders in collective writing

Polydactyly and other disorders in collective writing



Creative Commons Attribution NonCommercial 4.0 Inter


The text you will read is written by a dozen hands on a pad. This creation is not simply the combination of each individual's words. It is the fruit of a set-up in which each person participates, and the material and immaterial conditions that make it possible. These mutating conditions do not only produce a collectiv mind capable of writing collectively; they are the mind. We call it Egregore.

Publish the 02 June 2024

article : Large-scale collaboration in graphic design communities of practice

Large-scale collaboration in graphic design communities of practice



Creative Commons Attribution NonCommercial 4.0 Inter


In the field of graphic design, collaboration is often understood as direct participation, confined to a given time and space. However, there are many forms of collaboration, particularly on a large scale : a community of practice sharing a common culture.

Publish the 18 October 2023

article : From Feminist Servers to Feminist Federation

From Feminist Servers to Feminist Federation



GNU General Public License v3.0


In this text we adopt practices of weaving feminist networks of solidarity and care in the age of hybrid on- and offline world-making. More specifically, we investigate the possibilities of growing into a feminist federation, which accompany the continuation of a feminist video platform project based on the PeerTube software.

Publish the 08 June 2023

article : Logbook




Creative Commons Attribution NonCommercial 4.0 Inter


The totality of these narratives shows that successes and failures are never due to the tool itself, but to the way it is being utilized, presented, introduced, and shared.

Publish the 23 May 2023

article : Appropriating to share better

Appropriating to share better



Creative Commons Attribution NonCommercial 4.0 Inter


Appropriating to share better: This seemingly paradoxical dual movement lies at the heart of tool production practices in contemporary design and opens up a redefinition of design: farewell to the creation of unique, controlled, and definitive forms and welcome to the fabrication of infinite potentialities to be explored in collaboration. And if these collaborative tools proudly brandish their openness as a standard, it's often rather from their functional closure that the creation of singular and original forms is born. By offering a narrow infinity of possibilities to be explored in collaboration.

Publish the 03 May 2023

article : Holding space for discomfort in collective work

Holding space for discomfort in collective work



CC4r * Collective Conditions for Re-use


Connection with beings wiser than ourselves or, if one prefers, connecting us to our inner intuitive knowing, detached from ego and performance drive, can perhaps be a key to collaborations that transform and see friction as a challenge to grow and not as something to ignore.